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This webinar is brought to you by National Care Forum, Opening Doors and Altura Learning to mark LGBT+ history month in February 2021.
View this recording for information and guidance on how to engage positively with the needs of older LGBT+ people who they support, and prepare your team for increased scrutiny from the CQC in 2021.
As promised, there are a host of free resources below for all those who registered for the event, including the guides provided by Opening Doors London.
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Stay tuned future webinars from NCF and Altura Learning
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LGBT: promoting Inclusion & Awareness
Explore Altura Learning’s complete course on LBGT: Promoting Inclusion and Awareness. View the trailer and contact us if you would like to add this course to your library.
Contact opening doors
For further support and resources or sign up for the Opening Doors newsletter by emailing prideincare@openingdoorslondon.org.uk.
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