Maximum flexibility: our content works for your staff, training needs and budget

You may set learning for your employees to complete at their own pace.

Our online platform allows the flexibility for learners to complete the courses at their own pace. They can stop and return again when it conveniently fits around their other work and life priorities.

Our videos are a main part of each course and allow learners:

Altura Learning Online Care Training
teal shape right
  • individuals
    The freedom to learn at their own pace 

    Play the videos at any time that suits and on any internet connected device available.

  • individuals
    Stop the video at any time and take notes 

    We all learn differently and some people really benefit from learning through writing or discussing concepts. Learners should be encouraged to do this as frequently as necessary.

  • individuals
    Go back and revisit sections of the video

    Reviewing a section can be useful to embed learning and ensure it is understood such as reviewing a clinical demonstration

  • individuals
    Access to close captions

    This is designed for people who are hearing impaired, however member organisations have informed us that people from a culturally and linguistically diverse background (CALD) have found the closed captions useful in understanding the content.

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A learning experience that's flexible to suit your staff, training needs and budget.

Altura Learning Social Care Online Courses
On the job learning

Maximum flexibility: our content works for your staff, training needs and budget On the job learning has become increasingly popular…

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Altura Learning Care Training
Face to Face Training

Maximum flexibility: our content works for your staff, training needs and budget You may choose to deliver some content in…

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